Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Improvement to pitch

- A new name. (From Shae.) Suggest something Latin. Interesting. Search names of constellations.

- On the frame where the male character is introduced- add shadow from the male character over the female character. Foreshadowing his position in the scene and making it a more powerful still image.

- Try to move things slightly off centre.

- More action and reaction between the characters. (facial expressions)

1 comment:

  1. I think people were stunned by the visual power of your storyboard panels. Very, very good. The staging and framing could do with more experimentation, maybe with rough line work? A risk with working with delicious layered colour straight away is getting too precious with the images that form without full consideration of the architecture of the shot and using the camera to it's full extent to add to the experience of the story.
