Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A couple week or so old photoshop doodle-oos

Dont really know what inspired this image.. It was .... 4-5 weeks ago ...maybe.... yea.
I think I saw a back and white image of Judy Garland and threw down some back and white and tried to replicate the soft, delicate and precise gradients forming the face. (wasnt trying to paint Judy Garland). Thought it was lacking from my previous attempts at female portraits (something was always off about them). I think it gives and new level of femininity or whatever......... Oh yea - threw down some black and whites just from memory and then it just got more and more evil looking so I went with it. To me though, now after I see it semi finished ( again... its a practice piece) she doesn't look as evil as she did early on.... definitely a mystery there now.... behind those dark eyes..... almost like a Gothic Mona Lisa.

(Some random portrait of some guy painted from imagination)

Watching some old martial arts movies from the sixties and stuff... nuff said. Lol started off drawing this image by mindlessly drawing down some lips and it just evolved... or ... DIGIvolved ("Sean uses the digi-egg of procrastination!")

oh wow... I have to get some sleep.

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